Supporting Healers, Helpers, Creators and Educators to Live, Love and Serve well


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Write a brief summary of your service or product. What benefit does it bring to your potential client or customer? What kind of positive impact will it have on their life?

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Write a brief summary of your service or product. What benefit does it bring to your potential client or customer? What kind of positive impact will it have on their life?

View Services

Write a brief summary of your service or product. What benefit does it bring to your potential client or customer? What kind of positive impact will it have on their life?


Go, go, go!

If you want to celebrate yourself as a woman and fall in love with yourself, go see Melissa!

—Workshop Client


Write a few sentences describing who you are, what you do, and who you want to serve—your ideal client.

Go into more detail. What is your ideal client’s primary pain point? What makes you the best solution to her problem? What qualifications do you have that make you credible?

Remember, a good about section isn’t really about you. It’s about your ideal client or customer and what you can do to help them.


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Write a strong call to action and mention your lead magnet!